Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I don't know many people who are excited about returning to school but I am! It's now official. I will be starting a 3 year leadership program through my church denomination. It will lead to better biblical and theological understanding as well as increased leadership competencies. There is the option of becoming a commissioned pastor, which is one step below our ordained pastors who have a Masters of Divinity. I'm not sure about doing that, at least it's not my goal, but I have 3 years to figure it out.

So why am I excited? Well first of all I am a life-long learner. All my jobs involved learning new things and especially the last one where I spent every summer catching up on the new research in the alcohol and drug prevention field. That research influenced the programs I wrote and the teaching I did. I loved that part of my job and have missed it. There's more though.

When I graduated in the spring of 1983 with my BA in Fine Arts (major History, minors: secondary education, English and Religion) my intent was always to study for my Masters so I could do counselling in the school system. Unfortunately, circumstances too many to count, conspired against me and that did not become possible. Still I kept looking for other Master programs but nothing was feasible or interesting to me.

Then in the fall of 2005, with the encouragement of my boss, I began a certificate course in counselling. I was thrilled. I lasted 2 classes before I realized I couldn't go on. Whatever was wrong with me stopped me in my tracks. It was MS! I must confess I was angry at God for a long time. I was in a good place in my life and finally working towards a dream. I didn't understand why it was suddenly all stripped away.

A couple of years ago I was introduced to the Leadership Development Network (LDN) through my pastor. It clicked immediately. The set up was perfect for me. The cost: beyond me! The leader of the program said that sometimes people sponsor others and maybe that would happen for me. I put the whole idea aside.

Until a few months ago when my friends took me out for a walk and told me they would sponsor me! Yes all 3 years of study are paid for. I was stunned because this was the last place I thought sponsorship would come from. God is so good and so full of surprises! I've been like a giddy soon to be kindergartner waiting for school to start.

It's official now. Applications and recommendations have gone through and I start in Sept. I don't know if I mentioned before but God is fulfilling all my dreams, just not in ways I thought. He is granting me the desires of my heart but in unexpected ways. Being diagnosed with MS and having to quit work has lead to leading an active and growing prayer ministry. I am blessed every time I get to minister to someone or the congregation through prayer.

This morning I went to get a new NIV study Bible as mine is coming apart from long and well use. It was such a high I almost skipped out of the store. My soul is filled with gladness and thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to the challenges and the rewards of study, to learning new things about God and drawing closer to God because of that. I'm looking forward to new binders and paper and pens. I love the start of new things in September. Watch out school, HERE I COME!