Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting Started

I've been wanting to write and decided I'd try a blog. The idea that someone might read this, although highly unlikely, gives some added purpose to trying to grasp random thoughts and nail them down. There is no big purpose here. No cause to champion. No great philosophical debate to be had. Just me, musing about my life, the challenges I face with MS, the things I'm learning and discovering or the things I observe around me. I need an outlet and journaling is part of it. I'm hoping that blogging adds another dimension. Who knows. I might try this and decide it isn't for me or maybe it will wharf into something profound and interesting.


  1. This sounds like a blog you should start back up again! You have a lot to share, I'm sure! Thanks for being my first follower. Now I am yours!:)

  2. I know you wrote this post long, long ago...but, perhaps there are now things you'd like to say? It was lovely to *meet* you...thank you for stopping by my blog and for leaving me an encouraging comment. Many Blessings to you!


  3. You have been a sweet encouragement to me over at *my place* Angela. Thank you so much for praying for us! You've blessed my heart. :) May the LORD bless you now and always. Merry Christmas to you!!


  4. Happy New Year Angela!! :)

    Blessings to you!

  5. Dear Angela ~ Thank you SO much for making the effort to come out to our Austin's memorial service. It was a joy to meet you and hug you. Perhaps we will be able to connect further in the coming days. With Love, Camille
