Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blue Christmas

Do you remember the line that says "I'll have a blue Christmas without you." (Sorry not good at song titles) It's been running through my head this past week. Myself and so many of my friends are struggling with a blue Christmas this year.

Mine is blue, has been for years, because I am separated from my family by a wall of denial and unhealthiness.  I choose to speak the truth and not to play the games. That leaves me with almost no part in my family. Certainly not spending Christmas together.

Yet, isn't that what Christmas is all about? Or at least, that's what we are taught it's about. Wonderful times of family gatherings, twinkling lights on Christmas trees, heirloom ornaments and peace and good will to all people. For some of this image is a deep piercing reminder of what is not. Actually I think many, if honest, would have to say that their Christmas doesn't live up to this family ideal.

Some are living with the realities of divorce and siblings that are holding anger against each other. Some have lost family this past year and there will be an empty chair at this year's table. Some suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder and this, the darkest time of the year weather wise, is also the darkest for them emotionally. There are single people who can't go home. The list goes on. The reasons are many and the pain is deep and real.

It is into this messiness of life that Jesus came. Jesus wasn't born in a picture perfect situation, like the palace more befitting a king. He wasn't even born in a house with clean linen and the warmth of a fire. He was born in a barn, in the hay, and with the sounds, smells and warmth of the animals.

This fact means a lot to me every year. One of my favourite names for Jesus is Emmanuel - God With Us. It is Emmanuel, born in messiness, that comes into my messiness, my pain, my sadness. Yours too if you let him. Yes, the pain will always be there in some measure this side of heaven. Yet the good news is we do not have to walk it alone. Emmanuel walks with us.

May you experience the presence of Emmanuel this Christmas and all year long.


  1. So sorry that Christmas is a struggle for you my friend. Your message of hope in Christ is lovely...may He be your everything and meet you each step of the journey. I am praying for you today.... Hugs, Camille

  2. Just stopping in to visit and find that you have not been writing for quite some time...I trust all is well? Praying for you right now my friend. Hugs, Camille 2 Samuel 22;31-33
