Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Colour Grey

I've coloured my hair because of grey strands since my late 20's. Now I have to do it more often because the grey is taking over. In the last few weeks I've come to the decision NOT to colour my hair anymore. At least to see what it looks like. (I'm giving myself permission to change my mind.)

It's a practical decision on one hand. I can not afford the cost anymore of having someone else do it. So, the next best thing is to do it myself. I use to do that all the time. However, I haven't been feeling really well the last months with a limited amount of energy. Somehow colouring my hair just hasn't made it to the top of my priorities.

That got me thinking. Why shouldn't I let my hair grow grey. I'm of that age where grey is certainly expected. I began to think about my friends whom I admire. One thing I admire about them is their authenticity. There is something about their grey hair that says, to me anyway, "this is who I am. Grey hair and all".

I'm not sure if I've been less authentic because I've coloured my hair. I know I've kept people guessing about my age. I know I like to look sharp and some what in fashion. Yet, I'm feeling called to a deeper level of authenticity.

Perhaps by stripping away the hair colour I'm arriving at a new level of "this is me". I can relax and sink deeper into how God created me. Somehow this outside decision is reflecting a deeper change in me. That's what I want to explore. 

(Thanks to OverJoy Photography for this picture)


  1. I hear you my friend. I'm going down the grey road and it is liberating for sure. Whatever decision you come to in the coming days, however, will not determine your authenticity...I think you are authentic either way. :) Blessings, Camille

  2. I hear you on the grey...I'm going down that road as well. :) Blessings to you! Camille

  3. Ooops...sorry for the double comments on this post! I thought I had commented and that it just didn't go through when I posted that second one. :) Have a lovely week! Camille
