Friday, October 11, 2013

The Church At Work

I love the Christian Church., the Bride of Jesus Christ. Made up of sinful people saved by grace there is much that can go wrong and I've experienced that kind of hurt and pain too. Yet, when the church is working right, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, it is a rich blessing to be part of.

This week I had the privilege of attending 2 days of regional meetings for our denomination. I was there as the prayer coordinator for our church which hosted the meetings. I sat in the back, listened and prayed.. There was a lot of business and reports to be heard and discussed. However, there was a lot of prayer too. Prayer happened as meetings started, prayer happened after reports were read, and as decisions were being made.

These leaders of the church knew that it wasn't their church but the church of Jesus Christ. There was a longing to be part of what God is doing in and through our denomination. That brought much joy for me.
It can be so easy in setting like that to think that we are in charge. However, it seems to me that the more time spent in prayer, the greater the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the church. When the church is working the way God intended it is a joy to be a part of.

I pray that God blesses all the pastors and churches that are part of our denomination's region. I pray especially for the two new pastors that were welcomed. Beyond that I pray for all the church's of our country and around the world. May we follow the Lord and work to usher in the Kingdom of God as He leads us.

1 comment:

  1. It truly is a precious thing to belong to HIS Family! What a blessing that you are sharing your love of prayer here my friend. Yes, it is powerful and so very, very necessary. Hugs to you! Camille
