Wednesday, September 10, 2014


This post was originally written as past of a homework assignment for the Leadership Development Network. I thought I would share it here.

Spending time with Ps 90 I began to notice that it truly is the prayer of my life. For me it has become a summary of where I have been and God’s promise for the future. It echoes other journaling I have been doing.
God has almost always been the one I looked to through all the trouble I have experienced. He has and is truly my dwelling place. I have felt his anger and indignation at the sin and brokenness in my life. He has revealed much that was in secret and continues to do so. Verse 13, has been the desperate cry of my heart so many times.
Yet I have also experienced God’s unfailing love. I am experiencing a new beginning. God has been showing me that now is the time of laying a new foundation. A place to live from that is not based in the past. I believe God is showing me that LDN is a big part of this foundation.

Verse 17 has become my new prayer. I am going to put it on my mirror and let it sink deep

into my spiritual marrow. I pray not only that God will establish the work of my hands, but 

really it’s about establishing the work of his hands in and through me

"May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us 
yes, establish the work of our hands."

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes...may HE establish the work of our hands...for His glory! Our "Life-Psalm" as a couple is Psalm's a wonderful blessing to dwell on its words as well. May He continue to lead and guide you as you seek to follow Him. Hugs to you! Camille
